Yesterday I found myself leaning up against the wall of the studio and observing a beautiful thing. My youngest daughter was reluctantly sharing a piece of her art with my last client of the day, an art therapist who happens to be one of the most intelligent and eccentric people I've ever met. The scene will forever live in my mind...Sophie looking up at the art therapist and listening so intently to her wise words....."Tell me what you were thinking when you made this?", "What is your favorite subject to draw?", "What is your favorite tool to draw with, markers, paints?"
Sophie answered very quickly, "Colored pencils."
"Me too!", my client agreed. The door was opened! Onward a conversation between a 58 year old adult and a 7 year old child perpetuated. They were speaking the same language, each giving 50% to the sweetest dialogue about art and creating and imagination.
As I listened and absorbed this scene, amazed and proud, I was struck with a heartfelt gratitude. I was so thankful for Sophie, my family, the art therapist. I was appreciative for the clients of the day, the week, my business, the floor beneath my feet, even my damn blow-dryer. A crazy thing happens within these four walls here. We learn, and we are enlightened, clients, myself, and my children included.
So....Sophie woke me up this morning WAY too early asking to go to the art supply store for watercolor paper. Dreaming of coffee and still half asleep, I agreed.
"Mom, did you know that with watercolors, purple travels the fastest and yellow the slowest?"
Yawn..."Where'd you learn that, Soph?"
"The art therapist taught me that yesterday. Are you ready to go yet?"
To be a part of this network, this family, who contribute to and influence each member is a gift. Sincerest thanks. We learn from each other...about hair, art, health, and being human. Let us take these conversations and experiences with us, making us better, more tolerant and open, better friends, sisters, mothers and people.
So much love!